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How you can support GACAH​


The UK charity Give a Child a Hope (GACAH) operates a Champions Support Programme.  This programme enables Bishop Ivan Lugoloobi and the team at the Revival Centre to provide a loving environment and a good education (from nursery to Senior 6 – A level) to approximately 150, of the most needy children at the Centre, whilst also supporting and meeting their welfare needs.


Some of these children have lost one or both parents and are brought to the Centre by relatives or the surviving parent who may be too ill or too poor to care for them. Others have been rescued from the streets or from various forms of exploitation. To help build their self-esteem and give them aspirations for the future Bishop Ivan refers to these children as his “Champions”, because he believes they can rise above their circumstances.


The Revival Centre aims to provide each child with the knowledge and skills they need to support themselves and their families in the future.  Compared to western standards the food at the Revival Centre is very basic, but it is both filling and nutritious.  Basic health care is provided by the on-site clinic, which is run by a professionally qualified healthcare team.


To find out more about the Champions Programme and how you can support it, visit the Champions Programme page.


​The charity also operates the Further Education Scholarship Programme which aims to support the Champion with the best grades to go onto further education, often to university level. To find out more about the Scholarship Programme, please visit the Scholarship Education page.


You can also support with one off donations, info here and our Gift Card scheme.

One off donations are often used to help maintain and develop the Revival Centre’s facilities or meet particular timely needs e.g. the provision of beds.


You can organise or support fundraising events.


You can visit the Revival Centre as a volunteer helper, for more information contact the Administrator  at givachildahope@gmail.comwho will put you in touch with trustees who oversee the visitor programme.



   Supporting The Revival Centre
   in Matugga, Uganda
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